No Matches
Classes | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
hemo Namespace Reference


struct  Array
class  bindingFieldHelper
struct  Box3D_simple
struct  CellInformation
class  CellInformationFunctionals
class  CellMechanics
class  CommonCellConstants
class  Config
struct  ConfigValues
class  CopyFromNeighbor
class  FluidInfo
struct  FluidStatistics
class  GatherFluidForce
class  GatherFluidVelocity
class  GatherParticleForce
class  GatherParticleVelocity
class  HemoCell
class  HemoCellField
class  HemoCellFields
class  HemoCellFunctional
class  HemoCellGatheringFunctional
class  HemoCellParticle
class  HemoCellParticleDataTransfer
class  HemoCellParticleField
class  HemoCellStretch
class  InteriorViscosityHelper
class  LeesEdwardsBC
class  LeesEdwardsBCGetPopulations
class  LeesEdwardsBCSetPopulations
class  LoadBalancer
class  Logfile
class  Logfile_only
struct  NoInitChar
 Used to circumvent buffer initialization of characters. More...
class  OctreeStructCell
class  Parameters
class  ParticleInfo
struct  ParticleStatistics
class  PltSimpleModel
class  PreInlet
class  Profiler
class  RbcHighOrderModel
class  RbcMalariaModel
class  ReadPositionsBloodCellField3D
class  WbcHighOrderModel
class  WriteCellField3DInMultipleHDF5Files
class  WriteFluidField
class  XMLElement


typedef struct stat Stat
typedef long long unsigned int hsize_t


void loadDirectories (hemo::Config *cfg, bool edit_out_dir)
void loadGlobalConfigValues (hemo::Config *cfg)
template<typename Val >
Logfileoperator<< (Logfile &lf, Val const &rhs)
Logfileoperator<< (Logfile &lf, std::ostream &(*op)(std::ostream &))
template<typename Val >
Logfile_onlyoperator<< (Logfile_only &lf, Val const &rhs)
Logfile_onlyoperator<< (Logfile_only &lf, std::ostream &(*op)(std::ostream &))
void readPositionsCellFields (std::string particlePosFile)
bool contained_sane (hemo::Array< plint, 3 > const &x, Box3D const &box)
 Decide if a Lagrangian point is contained in 3D box, boundaries exclusive.
T phi2 (T x)
template<typename T >
T phi3 (T x)
template<typename T >
T phi4 (T x)
template<typename T >
T phi4c (T x)
template<typename T , template< typename U > class Descriptor>
void interpolationCoefficients (BlockLattice3D< T, Descriptor > const &block, hemo::Array< T, 3 > const &position, std::vector< Dot3D > &cellPos, std::vector< T > &weights)
template<typename T , template< typename U > class Descriptor>
void interpolationCoefficientsPhi1 (BlockLattice3D< T, Descriptor > const &block, hemo::Array< T, 3 > const &position, std::vector< Dot3D > &cellPos, std::vector< T > &weights)
void interpolationCoefficientsPhi2 (BlockLattice3D< T, DESCRIPTOR > &block, HemoCellParticle &particle)
template<typename T , template< typename U > class Descriptor>
void interpolationCoefficientsPhi3 (BlockLattice3D< T, Descriptor > const &block, hemo::Array< T, 3 > const &position, std::vector< Dot3D > &cellPos, std::vector< T > &weights)
void interpolationCoefficientsPhi4 (BlockLattice3D< double, DESCRIPTOR > const &block, hemo::Array< double, 3 > const &position, std::vector< Dot3D > &cellPos, std::vector< double > &weights)
template<typename T , template< typename U > class Descriptor>
void interpolationCoefficientsPhi4c (BlockLattice3D< T, Descriptor > const &block, hemo::Array< T, 3 > const &position, std::vector< Dot3D > &cellPos, std::vector< T > &weights)
template<typename T , template< typename U > class Descriptor>
void curateInterpolationCoefficients (BlockLattice3D< T, Descriptor > &fluid, std::vector< Dot3D > &cellPos, std::vector< T > &weights)
template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm>
Array< _Tp, _Nm > operator+ (const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &one, const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &two)
template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm>
Array< _Tp, _Nm > operator+ (const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &one, const plb::Array< _Tp, _Nm > &two)
template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm>
Array< _Tp, _Nm > operator+ (const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &one, const _Tp &two)
template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm>
Array< _Tp, _Nm > operator- (const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &one, const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &two)
template<typename _Tp , typename _Tp2 , std::size_t _Nm>
Array< _Tp2, _Nm > operator- (const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &one, const Array< _Tp2, _Nm > &two)
template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm>
Array< _Tp, _Nm > operator- (const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &one)
template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm, typename _Tp2 >
Array< _Tp, _Nm > operator/ (const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &one, const _Tp2 div)
template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm, typename _Tp2 >
Array< _Tp, _Nm > operator* (const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &one, const _Tp2 mul)
template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm, typename _Tp2 >
Array< _Tp, _Nm > operator* (const _Tp2 mul, const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &one)
template<typename _Tp >
Array< _Tp, 3 > operator- (const Array< _Tp, 3 > &one, plb::Dot3D two)
template<typename _Tp , typename _Tp2 , typename _Tp3 >
void crossProduct (const Array< _Tp, 3 > &one, const Array< _Tp2, 3 > &two, Array< _Tp3, 3 > &result)
template<typename _Tp >
Array< _Tp, 3 > crossProduct (const Array< _Tp, 3 > &one, const Array< _Tp, 3 > &two)
template<typename _Tp , typename _Tp2 >
Array< T, 3 > crossProduct (const Array< _Tp, 3 > &one, const Array< _Tp2, 3 > &two)
template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm>
_Tp dot (const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &one, const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &two)
template<typename _Tp , typename _Tp2 , std::size_t _Nm>
T dot (const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &one, const Array< _Tp2, _Nm > &two)
template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm>
_Tp norm (const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &one)
template<typename _Tp >
_Tp angleBetweenVectors (const Array< _Tp, 3 > &one, const Array< _Tp, 3 > &two)
template<typename _Tp >
_Tp computeTriangleArea (const Array< _Tp, 3 > &v0, const Array< _Tp, 3 > &v1, const Array< _Tp, 3 > &v2)
template<typename _Tp >
_Tp computeLength (const Array< _Tp, 3 > &v)
template<typename _Tp >
void computeTriangleAreaAndUnitNormal (const Array< _Tp, 3 > &v0, const Array< _Tp, 3 > &v1, const Array< _Tp, 3 > &v2, _Tp &area, Array< _Tp, 3 > &unitNormal)
template<typename _Tp >
Array< _Tp, 3 > computeTriangleNormal (const Array< _Tp, 3 > &v0, const Array< _Tp, 3 > &v1, const Array< _Tp, 3 > &v2, bool isAreaWeighted)
template<typename _Tp >
_Tp computeCotangentFromVectors (const Array< _Tp, 3 > &a, const Array< _Tp, 3 > &b)
template<typename _Tp >
void computeLengthsPythagoras (const Array< _Tp, 3 > &a, const Array< _Tp, 3 > &b, _Tp &a_l, _Tp &b_l, _Tp &c_l)
void weakScaling (int Nx, int Ny, int Nz, int numberOfProcesses, vector< int > &newNxNyNz)
int renameFileToDotOld (std::string fName)
int do_mkdir (const char *path, mode_t mode)
int mkpath (const char *path, mode_t mode)
std::string zeroPadNumber (int num, int w)
void printHeader ()
void boundaryFromFlagMatrix (plb::MultiBlockLattice3D< T, DESCRIPTOR > *fluid, plb::MultiScalarField3D< int > *flagMatrix, bool partOfpreInlet)
bool file_exists (const std::string &name)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const plb::Box3D &box)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const plb::Dot3D &dot)
int MollerTrumbore (const hemo::Array< T, 3 > &v0, const hemo::Array< T, 3 > &v1, const hemo::Array< T, 3 > &v2, hemo::Array< plint, 3 > &rayPoint)
plint cellsInBoundingBox (plb::Box3D const &box)
void getFlagMatrixFromSTL (std::string meshFileName, plb::plint extendedEnvelopeWidth, plb::plint refDirLength, plb::plint refDir, std::auto_ptr< plb::VoxelizedDomain3D< T > > &voxelizedDomain, std::auto_ptr< plb::MultiScalarField3D< int > > &flagMatrix, plint blockSize, int particleEnvelope)
void getFlagMatrixFromSTL (std::string meshFileName, plint extendedEnvelopeWidth, plint refDirLength, plint refDir, VoxelizedDomain3D< T > *&voxelizedDomain, MultiScalarField3D< int > *&flagMatrix, plint blockSize, int particleEnvelope)
void getFlagMatrixFromSTL (std::string meshFileName, plb::plint extendedEnvelopeWidth, plb::plint refDirLength, plb::plint refDir, plb::VoxelizedDomain3D< T > *&voxelizedDomain, plb::MultiScalarField3D< int > *&flagMatrix, plint blockSize, int particleEnvelope=0)
void writeCEPACField_HDF5 (HemoCellFields &cellfields, T dx, T dt, plint iter, string preString)
void writeFluidField_HDF5 (HemoCellFields &cellfields, T dx, T dt, plint iter, string preString)
void outputHDF5 (hsize_t *dim, hsize_t *chunk, hid_t &file_id, string &name, float *output)
void writeCellField3D_HDF5 (HemoCellFields &cellFields, T dx, T dt, plint iter, std::string preString)
template<typename T >
void rotateTriangularMeshXYZ (plb::TriangularSurfaceMesh< T > *mesh, T alpha, T beta, T gamma)
void meshRotation (TriangularSurfaceMesh< T > *mesh, hemo::Array< T, 3 > rotationAngles)
void positionCellInParticleField (HemoCellParticleField &particleField, BlockLattice3D< T, DESCRIPTOR > &fluid, TriangularSurfaceMesh< T > *mesh, hemo::Array< T, 3 > startingPoint, plint cellId, pluint celltype)
int getTotalNumberOfCells (HemoCellFields &cellFields)
void getReadPositionsBloodCellsVector (Box3D realDomain, std::vector< TriangularSurfaceMesh< T > * > &meshes, std::vector< plint > &Np, std::vector< std::vector< hemo::Array< T, 3 > > > &positions, std::vector< std::vector< plint > > &cellIds, std::vector< std::vector< hemo::Array< T, 3 > > > &randomAngles, T dx, Config &cfg, HemoCellFields &cellFields, HemoCellParticleField &particleField)
void readPositionsBloodCellField3D (HemoCellFields &cellFields, T dx, Config &cfg)
void getReadPositionsBloodCellsVector (plb::Box3D realDomain, std::vector< plb::TriangularSurfaceMesh< T > * > &meshes, std::vector< plint > &Np, std::vector< std::vector< hemo::Array< T, 3 > > > &positions, std::vector< std::vector< plint > > &cellIds, std::vector< std::vector< hemo::Array< T, 3 > > > &randomAngles, Config &cfg, HemoCellFields &cellFields, HemoCellParticleField &particleField)
void writeCellInfo_CSV (HemoCell &hemocell)


ConfigValues global
Logfile hlog
Logfile_only hlogfile
bool first_time =true

Typedef Documentation

◆ hsize_t

typedef long long unsigned int hemo::hsize_t

◆ Stat

typedef struct stat hemo::Stat

Function Documentation

◆ angleBetweenVectors()

template<typename _Tp >
_Tp hemo::angleBetweenVectors ( const Array< _Tp, 3 > &  one,
const Array< _Tp, 3 > &  two 

◆ boundaryFromFlagMatrix()

void hemo::boundaryFromFlagMatrix ( plb::MultiBlockLattice3D< T, DESCRIPTOR > *  fluid,
plb::MultiScalarField3D< int > *  flagMatrix,
bool  partOfpreInlet 

◆ cellsInBoundingBox()

plint hemo::cellsInBoundingBox ( plb::Box3D const &  box)

◆ computeCotangentFromVectors()

template<typename _Tp >
_Tp hemo::computeCotangentFromVectors ( const Array< _Tp, 3 > &  a,
const Array< _Tp, 3 > &  b 

◆ computeLength()

template<typename _Tp >
_Tp hemo::computeLength ( const Array< _Tp, 3 > &  v)

◆ computeLengthsPythagoras()

template<typename _Tp >
void hemo::computeLengthsPythagoras ( const Array< _Tp, 3 > &  a,
const Array< _Tp, 3 > &  b,
_Tp &  a_l,
_Tp &  b_l,
_Tp &  c_l 

◆ computeTriangleArea()

template<typename _Tp >
_Tp hemo::computeTriangleArea ( const Array< _Tp, 3 > &  v0,
const Array< _Tp, 3 > &  v1,
const Array< _Tp, 3 > &  v2 

◆ computeTriangleAreaAndUnitNormal()

template<typename _Tp >
void hemo::computeTriangleAreaAndUnitNormal ( const Array< _Tp, 3 > &  v0,
const Array< _Tp, 3 > &  v1,
const Array< _Tp, 3 > &  v2,
_Tp &  area,
Array< _Tp, 3 > &  unitNormal 

◆ computeTriangleNormal()

template<typename _Tp >
Array< _Tp, 3 > hemo::computeTriangleNormal ( const Array< _Tp, 3 > &  v0,
const Array< _Tp, 3 > &  v1,
const Array< _Tp, 3 > &  v2,
bool  isAreaWeighted 

◆ contained_sane()

bool hemo::contained_sane ( hemo::Array< plint, 3 > const &  x,
Box3D const &  box 

Decide if a Lagrangian point is contained in 3D box, boundaries exclusive.

◆ crossProduct() [1/3]

template<typename _Tp >
Array< _Tp, 3 > hemo::crossProduct ( const Array< _Tp, 3 > &  one,
const Array< _Tp, 3 > &  two 

◆ crossProduct() [2/3]

template<typename _Tp , typename _Tp2 >
Array< T, 3 > hemo::crossProduct ( const Array< _Tp, 3 > &  one,
const Array< _Tp2, 3 > &  two 

◆ crossProduct() [3/3]

template<typename _Tp , typename _Tp2 , typename _Tp3 >
void hemo::crossProduct ( const Array< _Tp, 3 > &  one,
const Array< _Tp2, 3 > &  two,
Array< _Tp3, 3 > &  result 

◆ curateInterpolationCoefficients()

template<typename T , template< typename U > class Descriptor>
void hemo::curateInterpolationCoefficients ( BlockLattice3D< T, Descriptor > &  fluid,
std::vector< Dot3D > &  cellPos,
std::vector< T > &  weights 

◆ do_mkdir()

int hemo::do_mkdir ( const char *  path,
mode_t  mode 

◆ dot() [1/2]

template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm>
_Tp hemo::dot ( const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &  one,
const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &  two 

◆ dot() [2/2]

template<typename _Tp , typename _Tp2 , std::size_t _Nm>
T hemo::dot ( const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &  one,
const Array< _Tp2, _Nm > &  two 

◆ file_exists()

bool hemo::file_exists ( const std::string &  name)

◆ getFlagMatrixFromSTL() [1/3]

void hemo::getFlagMatrixFromSTL ( std::string  meshFileName,
plb::plint  extendedEnvelopeWidth,
plb::plint  refDirLength,
plb::plint  refDir,
plb::VoxelizedDomain3D< T > *&  voxelizedDomain,
plb::MultiScalarField3D< int > *&  flagMatrix,
plint  blockSize,
int  particleEnvelope = 0 

◆ getFlagMatrixFromSTL() [2/3]

void hemo::getFlagMatrixFromSTL ( std::string  meshFileName,
plb::plint  extendedEnvelopeWidth,
plb::plint  refDirLength,
plb::plint  refDir,
std::auto_ptr< plb::VoxelizedDomain3D< T > > &  voxelizedDomain,
std::auto_ptr< plb::MultiScalarField3D< int > > &  flagMatrix,
plint  blockSize,
int  particleEnvelope 

◆ getFlagMatrixFromSTL() [3/3]

void hemo::getFlagMatrixFromSTL ( std::string  meshFileName,
plint  extendedEnvelopeWidth,
plint  refDirLength,
plint  refDir,
VoxelizedDomain3D< T > *&  voxelizedDomain,
MultiScalarField3D< int > *&  flagMatrix,
plint  blockSize,
int  particleEnvelope 

◆ getReadPositionsBloodCellsVector() [1/2]

void hemo::getReadPositionsBloodCellsVector ( Box3D  realDomain,
std::vector< TriangularSurfaceMesh< T > * > &  meshes,
std::vector< plint > &  Np,
std::vector< std::vector< hemo::Array< T, 3 > > > &  positions,
std::vector< std::vector< plint > > &  cellIds,
std::vector< std::vector< hemo::Array< T, 3 > > > &  randomAngles,
T  dx,
Config cfg,
HemoCellFields cellFields,
HemoCellParticleField particleField 

◆ getReadPositionsBloodCellsVector() [2/2]

void hemo::getReadPositionsBloodCellsVector ( plb::Box3D  realDomain,
std::vector< plb::TriangularSurfaceMesh< T > * > &  meshes,
std::vector< plint > &  Np,
std::vector< std::vector< hemo::Array< T, 3 > > > &  positions,
std::vector< std::vector< plint > > &  cellIds,
std::vector< std::vector< hemo::Array< T, 3 > > > &  randomAngles,
Config cfg,
HemoCellFields cellFields,
HemoCellParticleField particleField 

◆ getTotalNumberOfCells()

int hemo::getTotalNumberOfCells ( HemoCellFields cellFields)

◆ interpolationCoefficients()

template<typename T , template< typename U > class Descriptor>
void hemo::interpolationCoefficients ( BlockLattice3D< T, Descriptor > const &  block,
hemo::Array< T, 3 > const &  position,
std::vector< Dot3D > &  cellPos,
std::vector< T > &  weights 

◆ interpolationCoefficientsPhi1()

template<typename T , template< typename U > class Descriptor>
void hemo::interpolationCoefficientsPhi1 ( BlockLattice3D< T, Descriptor > const &  block,
hemo::Array< T, 3 > const &  position,
std::vector< Dot3D > &  cellPos,
std::vector< T > &  weights 

◆ interpolationCoefficientsPhi2()

void hemo::interpolationCoefficientsPhi2 ( BlockLattice3D< T, DESCRIPTOR > &  block,
HemoCellParticle particle 

◆ interpolationCoefficientsPhi3()

template<typename T , template< typename U > class Descriptor>
void hemo::interpolationCoefficientsPhi3 ( BlockLattice3D< T, Descriptor > const &  block,
hemo::Array< T, 3 > const &  position,
std::vector< Dot3D > &  cellPos,
std::vector< T > &  weights 

◆ interpolationCoefficientsPhi4()

void hemo::interpolationCoefficientsPhi4 ( BlockLattice3D< double, DESCRIPTOR > const &  block,
hemo::Array< double, 3 > const &  position,
std::vector< Dot3D > &  cellPos,
std::vector< double > &  weights 

◆ interpolationCoefficientsPhi4c()

template<typename T , template< typename U > class Descriptor>
void hemo::interpolationCoefficientsPhi4c ( BlockLattice3D< T, Descriptor > const &  block,
hemo::Array< T, 3 > const &  position,
std::vector< Dot3D > &  cellPos,
std::vector< T > &  weights 

◆ loadDirectories()

void hemo::loadDirectories ( hemo::Config cfg,
bool  edit_out_dir 

◆ loadGlobalConfigValues()

void hemo::loadGlobalConfigValues ( hemo::Config cfg)

◆ meshRotation()

void hemo::meshRotation ( TriangularSurfaceMesh< T > *  mesh,
hemo::Array< T, 3 >  rotationAngles 

◆ mkpath()

int hemo::mkpath ( const char *  path,
mode_t  mode 

mkpath - ensure all directories in path exist Algorithm takes the pessimistic view and works top-down to ensure each directory in path exists, rather than optimistically creating the last element and working backwards.

◆ MollerTrumbore()

int hemo::MollerTrumbore ( const hemo::Array< T, 3 > &  v0,
const hemo::Array< T, 3 > &  v1,
const hemo::Array< T, 3 > &  v2,
hemo::Array< plint, 3 > &  rayPoint 

◆ norm()

template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm>
_Tp hemo::norm ( const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &  one)

◆ operator*() [1/2]

template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm, typename _Tp2 >
Array< _Tp, _Nm > hemo::operator* ( const _Tp2  mul,
const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &  one 

◆ operator*() [2/2]

template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm, typename _Tp2 >
Array< _Tp, _Nm > hemo::operator* ( const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &  one,
const _Tp2  mul 

◆ operator+() [1/3]

template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm>
Array< _Tp, _Nm > hemo::operator+ ( const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &  one,
const _Tp &  two 

◆ operator+() [2/3]

template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm>
Array< _Tp, _Nm > hemo::operator+ ( const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &  one,
const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &  two 

◆ operator+() [3/3]

template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm>
Array< _Tp, _Nm > hemo::operator+ ( const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &  one,
const plb::Array< _Tp, _Nm > &  two 

◆ operator-() [1/4]

template<typename _Tp >
Array< _Tp, 3 > hemo::operator- ( const Array< _Tp, 3 > &  one,
plb::Dot3D  two 

◆ operator-() [2/4]

template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm>
Array< _Tp, _Nm > hemo::operator- ( const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &  one)

◆ operator-() [3/4]

template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm>
Array< _Tp, _Nm > hemo::operator- ( const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &  one,
const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &  two 

◆ operator-() [4/4]

template<typename _Tp , typename _Tp2 , std::size_t _Nm>
Array< _Tp2, _Nm > hemo::operator- ( const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &  one,
const Array< _Tp2, _Nm > &  two 

◆ operator/()

template<typename _Tp , std::size_t _Nm, typename _Tp2 >
Array< _Tp, _Nm > hemo::operator/ ( const Array< _Tp, _Nm > &  one,
const _Tp2  div 

◆ operator<<() [1/6]

Logfile & hemo::operator<< ( Logfile lf,
std::ostream &(*)(std::ostream &)  op 

◆ operator<<() [2/6]

template<typename Val >
Logfile & hemo::operator<< ( Logfile lf,
Val const &  rhs 

◆ operator<<() [3/6]

Logfile_only & hemo::operator<< ( Logfile_only lf,
std::ostream &(*)(std::ostream &)  op 

◆ operator<<() [4/6]

template<typename Val >
Logfile_only & hemo::operator<< ( Logfile_only lf,
Val const &  rhs 

◆ operator<<() [5/6]

std::ostream & hemo::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const plb::Box3D &  box 

◆ operator<<() [6/6]

std::ostream & hemo::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const plb::Dot3D &  dot 

◆ outputHDF5()

void hemo::outputHDF5 ( hsize_t dim,
hsize_t chunk,
hid_t &  file_id,
string &  name,
float *  output 

◆ phi2()

T hemo::phi2 ( T  x)

◆ phi3()

template<typename T >
T hemo::phi3 ( T  x)

◆ phi4()

template<typename T >
T hemo::phi4 ( T  x)

◆ phi4c()

template<typename T >
T hemo::phi4c ( T  x)

◆ positionCellInParticleField()

void hemo::positionCellInParticleField ( HemoCellParticleField particleField,
BlockLattice3D< T, DESCRIPTOR > &  fluid,
TriangularSurfaceMesh< T > *  mesh,
hemo::Array< T, 3 >  startingPoint,
plint  cellId,
pluint  celltype 

◆ printHeader()

void hemo::printHeader ( )

◆ readPositionsBloodCellField3D()

void hemo::readPositionsBloodCellField3D ( HemoCellFields cellFields,
T  dx,
Config cfg 

◆ readPositionsCellFields()

void hemo::readPositionsCellFields ( std::string  particlePosFile)

◆ renameFileToDotOld()

int hemo::renameFileToDotOld ( std::string  fName)

◆ rotateTriangularMeshXYZ()

template<typename T >
void hemo::rotateTriangularMeshXYZ ( plb::TriangularSurfaceMesh< T > *  mesh,
T  alpha,
T  beta,
T  gamma 

Rotates a triangular surface mesh inplace. The rotation is applied in order X, Y, Z. NOTE: plb::TriangularSurfaceMesh does provide an method to rotate the surface mesh, however, that routine is defined in ZYX order.

◆ weakScaling()

void hemo::weakScaling ( int  Nx,
int  Ny,
int  Nz,
int  numberOfProcesses,
vector< int > &  newNxNyNz 

◆ writeCellField3D_HDF5()

void hemo::writeCellField3D_HDF5 ( HemoCellFields cellFields,
T  dx,
T  dt,
plint  iter,
std::string  preString 

◆ writeCellInfo_CSV()

void hemo::writeCellInfo_CSV ( HemoCell hemocell)

◆ writeCEPACField_HDF5()

void hemo::writeCEPACField_HDF5 ( HemoCellFields cellfields,
T  dx,
T  dt,
plint  iter,
string  preString 

◆ writeFluidField_HDF5()

void hemo::writeFluidField_HDF5 ( HemoCellFields cellfields,
T  dx,
T  dt,
plint  iter,
string  preString 

◆ zeroPadNumber()

std::string hemo::zeroPadNumber ( int  num,
int  w 

Variable Documentation

◆ first_time

bool hemo::first_time =true

◆ global

ConfigValues hemo::global

◆ hlog

Logfile hemo::hlog

◆ hlogfile

Logfile_only hemo::hlogfile